Okanagan Doula
Professional Birth Doula, Postpartum Doula & Childbirth Services in the South Okanagan.
Prepare for a positive birth experience
Book your Birthing Pool and TENS machine today!

Our birth pools are soft & comfortable, the ultimate relaxation tool for labour.

TENS machines have been successfully used for many years to help manage labour and contractions.
Our Philosophy
“Our goal is not to advocate for a certain kind of birth, birth location or provider, but to support women, families, and their decisions, including how, where, and with whom they give birth. It’s about ensuring that all people have access to the best birth for them. This includes options, information, and most of all – respect.”
– Dawn Thompson, Improving Birth President
This is what we truly aspire to accomplish with each woman and family who walk through our doors. What is important for one, may not matter in the slightest to the other. There is no right or wrong way to birth – and we will provide families with whatever it is that they need to have a happy and satisfying birth experience.

Skilled & Experienced
You’re in good hands!
We are proud to have supported nearly one thousand families in the South Okanagan and are truly honored to have the opportunity to assist in nurturing these family transitions.

Professionally Trained
Professional Team
Professional doula care is at the center of our care model. As a result our team has professional doula training (DONA International), is DSA registered and part of the DAFGP program.

Personalized Care
& lots of love!
We often find our support consists of our heart and our hands.

Specializing In
Home Birth & Hospital Birth
Vaginal Births & Cesarean Births
Medicated Births & Medication Free Births
VBACs, Inductions & Multiples
Serving Families In The South Okanagan Valley
Penticton | Summerland | Ok Falls Oliver | Osoyoos | Keremeos

We Work With All Care Providers
Physicians | Midwives | Obstetricians
Love Notes